Is your passport expiring soon and you don’t want to ruin your travel plans because of that? Then you came to the right place because you can get your UK passport renewed from home.
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Before applying for your UK passport renewal, you must understand the UK passport renewal photo size and also the list of recommendations required.
At we’re ready to help you with this information and the passport renewal process thanks to our online service. If you wish to know more about this process and the UK passport renewal photo size, continue reading below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this service for?
To apply for a UK Passport Renewal, you must know the passport renewal requirements first, including the UK Passport renewal photo size. If you meet the following criteria, then you’re ready to apply for the Passport Renewal:
- You have your UK passport in your possession.
- Your passport is expired or about to expire.
- Your passport is in good condition.
- You are a citizen of the UK.
Learn more about the UK Passport renewal photo size below.
Why should I use a fully online passport renewal service? provides an easy-to-understand service that can save you considerable time for your travel plans. Besides, we do not ask you to send us your passport, you send it straight to the government.
However, we do help you with an online kit that includes a shipping label and detailed instructions on how to complete the process from home.
All you need to do is print the shipping label we send you (at home or PO) and get an envelope to mail your current passport to the UK government. The shipping label is already covered in our fee but will not pay for the envelope.
How does the UK passport renewal service work?
Skip wait times and long queues in the passport office or the consulate by taking advantage of our online services. You only have to complete these steps:
- Step 1. Complete our online form: Our team of experts will review and start processing your application.
- Step 2. Receive your renewal kit: Via email, including the prepaid shipping label and instructions on how to mail your current passport.
- Step 3. Send your current Passport: Directly to the UK government using Royal Mail.
- Step 4. Receive your new Passport: To your doorstep, from 6 to 11 weeks after sending your current passport.
Get more information about the UK passport renewal photo size below.
How much does the UK Passport Renewal cost?
The total price for the UK Passport Renewal is £100.50. This includes the Government Fee for £75.50 and our service fee for £25. For this price you’ll get a standard 34-page passport directly to your doorstep.
Is a safe option?
Yes, it is a very safe option to get your passport renewed and to learn about the UK passport renewal photo size. We offer a reliable service that does not jeopardize your private information, but if you’re still unsure about it, head up to our reviews section.
Where can I find more details about the UK passport renewal photo size?
Get more details about the UK passport renewal photo size on our website or talk to our customer care agents for better attention.
From the golden hours illuminating white-sand beaches on the Canary Islands, and the vibrant street life of La Rambla to the impressive Moorish arches blending into the silent expanse of Cordoba’s Great Mosque, Spain is a country that can easily make you “drunk” with its romantic beauty. But not drunk in a dizzy way of drinking too much wine (which is also an important aspect of Spanish culture), more like getting romantically drunk with so many things to appreciate.
To get this adventure started, you can visit Granada’s Alhambra palaces. This Moorish pleasure building will take your breath away almost instantly. It is the highlight of Spain’s Islamic Period when Al-Andalus was the epitome of culture and civilization in Europe's Middle Ages. By the way, Al-Andalus was the initial name of Andalucia.
Speaking of Islamic roots, you cannot forget to visit the main mosque of western Islam (which is still known as a “Mezquita”). We talk about the Great Mosque of Cordoba (Mezquita), one of the largest in the world. You cannot explore Spain and forget this historical point, it will surely amaze you!